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Why Join Us?

VFE is a  youth organization which accelerates greater opportunity for the Teens & youths to make them self dependent and motivating them to be responsible citizens.

Every year we take 50 young individuals for one year as Captains of Volunteer for Environment (VFE). These young minds are trained in more than 10 different skill-based workshops.

VFE has 6 signature programs designed for the Teens & youths. Our team conduct surveys on the given issue & prepares an out-n-out solution.

VFE provides platforms for its captains to explore themselves and enhance their potential. Captains able to show their potential also get the opportunity to be promoted as Associate Members of VFE after a year.

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VFE is a youth organization which acceleratesgreater opportunity for the teens & youths of our society to make them self dependent & motivating them to be responsible citizens.

Become a Captain

Take the chance to give something back to your community

Protect Nature

Work hand in hand to protect our mother nature from impurities

Send Donation

You can donate any amount to help meet the underprivileged people’s needs

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