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Youth refer to the challenges and difficulties that young people face, are Education, Mental Health, Relationship, Crime and Violence 

  • Education: Young people may face barriers to accessing quality education, such as poverty, discrimination, or conflict.
  • Employment: Youth unemployment is a major challenge, particularly in countries with high youth populations and limited job opportunities.
  • Mental health: Young people may experience mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and stress, due to a range of factors, including academic pressure, social media, and bullying.
  • Substance abuse: Substance abuse, including alcohol and drug use, is a significant issue among young people and can have long-term impacts on their health and well-being.
  • Relationships and sexuality: Young people may experience difficulties in relationships and with their sexuality, including bullying, discrimination, and sexual violence.
  • Crime and violence: Young people may be at risk of involvement in crime and violence, either as victims or perpetrators.
  • Technology: The increasing use of technology by young people may have both positive and negative impacts, including access to information, social media, and cyberbullying.

It is important to address youth issues to ensure that young people have the support and opportunities they need to reach their full potential and contribute to society. This can be done through measures such as improving access to education and job opportunities, providing mental health support, addressing substance abuse, and promoting healthy relationships and responsible technology use.

Youth Development Program provides the opportunity to empower the youth, facilitate volunteerism, foster self-resilience and growth while equipping them with necessary tools to shape them for a meaningful future to Achieve the UN SDGs 2030. It follows a decentralized democratic process whereby it is ensured that actions are youth led, youth initiated and youth targeted. Currently, VFE Youth leaders are actively working in 64 districts of Bangladesh implementing the sustainable development goals within their communities involving the local government in need. VFE invests effectively in youth’s integrated development, the current generation will contribute to greater economic growth, democracy, and stability, and development efforts are more efficient and effective when we engage youth as partners.

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